It is easy for children to abuse substances like drugs and alcohol. And if they don’t receive the right help, they can become addicted and carry the habit into adulthood.
Hence, it is best to correct this potential addictive habit when they are young so that they can become sober and lead healthy lives.
You need to know that watching out for your children especially when it comes to substance abuse is one of the ways to ensure that don’t dabble into something that will affect their health in the long run.

Here are some tips to prevent substance abuse in children
Know your children’s friends
It is important to know the friends of your children, especially in school. This will help you know what they are likely to indulge in. It is equally vital to know the families they come from so that you can ascertain your child’s sobriety.
If you discover that the friends of your children have suspicious behavior that you cannot trust, it is best to keep your children away from them.
You can also reach out to the teachers at school to look into the habits of their students.
Watch what your children watch on social media
Sometimes, children pick up habits from social media which gets them to abuse drugs and alcohol. Therefore, make a conscious effort to check what your children feast on anytime they are on social media.
You can also take the extra step to help them understand some things and also explain to them why they should not indulge in everything they see online.
Educate them on the ills of substance abuse
On some occasions, putting fear in the heart of your children might be useful in helping them stay away from abusive substances.
This means you can spell out the dangers of substance abuse and how it affects them, with death being the final consequence.
If you can prove your points with solid evidence, you can be sure that they would reconsider their stance anytime they are faced with the pressure of indulging in substances.